- Planet

Ensign Ro

After a terrorist attack on a Federation colony on Solarion Four, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew receives a message from a man claiming to represent the Bajora -- a race which has been fighting to regain its home planet after being chased off by the Cardassians. The man takes responsibility for the terrorist attack. Immediately, Picard confers with Starfleet Admiral Kennelly to discuss the Bajoran terrorist attack. The admiral orders Picard to find Orta, the militant leader of the Bajora, and offer him Federation amnesty, in return for negotiating peace with the Cardassians. To Picard's surprise, Kennelly also orders the arrival of a new officer -- Ensign Ro - to assist Picard in his delicate mission. The crew warily welcomes Ro, a strong-willed Bajoran whom Kennelly released from prison to help with the crisis.

The Next Generation, seizoen 5